The TOP Commercial Construction Industry Insights | Equalizer9

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Winning and Losing Behaviors #8, #9, and #10 in Business Development

This week's video will wrap up our series on Winning and Losing Behaviors in Business Development. Learn more about the importance of brain-friendly presentations and proposal debriefs. Lastly,...

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Winning and Losing Behaviors #6 & #7 in Business Development

Selling specialized services is not a numbers game like many think. Rather, it is a #focus game. In this week’s post, we share the importance of creating a win strategy with a key issues...
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Winning and Losing Behavior #5 in Business Development

"People do business with people they like.” Learn more about how intentional relationships affect your overall business development plan on this week’s episode in our series of Winning...

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Winning and Losing Behaviors #3 & #4 in Business Development

Today we discuss Winning & Losing Behaviors #3 and #4 in this series called the “The 10 Biggest Winning & Losing Behaviors in Business Development”. I am joined by my good...

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Winning and Losing Behavior #2 in Business Development

Be part of the "Best In Class" - Listen in while we discuss Winning & Losing Behaviors #2 in this multi-part series called the “The 10 Biggest Winning & Losing Behaviors in Business...

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Winning and Losing Behavior #1 in Business Development

A few weeks go I presented “The 10 Biggest Winning & Losing Behaviors in Business Development” at an industry event with my good friend Randy Fichera. In a recent post we aired the...

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The 10 Biggest Winning & Losing Behaviors in Business Development

Recently I spoke at a construction industry event where I delivered a presentation on “The 10 Biggest Winning & Losing Behaviors In Business Development”. Over the next several...

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Are you “Throwing Up On Your Clients”? | Tip of the Week

This week, Hal explains the single biggest mistake you may be making when you meet a potential client for the first time.

Get ahead early with this simple and easily applicable advice. Watch the...

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The 1 + 1 = 3 Formula for Winning Big Projects

This week, Hal discusses why your client might prefer a joint venture, when to decide on a joint venture, and how to pick the right partner. Understanding these could win you that next big project!...

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Are you overlooking your team's MVP? Watch the Tip of the Week

Who is the most important (often overlooked) team member to include when making a client presentation? In this edition of the ‘Tip of the Week,' Hal offers some clarity as to which of...

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